UReach Inc
The Data Equipment Expert

Duplication ・ Inspection ・ Sanitization

About U-Reach

Established in 2002, U-Reach focuses on the design and production of stable, high-speed data processing equipment. U-Reach developed the unique "Daisy Chain" technology, which can achieve high-speed, synchronous duplication with several targets and without speed degradation. In 2008, U-Reach established its own brand to market globally, and in 2010, flash duplicator sales reached number one worldwide. By 2015, our HDD duplicators were receiving praise and being implemented by electronic manufacturers, government agencies, cinema industries, hard disk manufacturers and IC companies. Nowadays, U-Reach has developed over 15 popular product lines including Flash Media, HDDs, and PCl-E SSDs.

U-Reach manufactures commercial-off-the-self (COTS) duplication equipment and provides customized solutions to fulfill different data equipment needs. There are many available device options ranging from small targets to mass production.

UReach Inc
The Data Equipment Expert